Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stuff I'm Reading! #2: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

If you know me, you know I have a love/hate relationship with zombies. I like them in different forms of media, but if they ever started to walk the Earth I'd probably be the first person to either go nuts and kill normal people or myself, pending. As the title state, "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is exactly about what you think it's about. Seth Grahame-Smith reprises Jane Austen by keeping her work somewhat intact, the characters and places are mostly the same, now they're just filled with zombies. Of course Fitzwilliam "Mr." Darcy is here to kick ass like he did before, if you read the book or watched the movie, you'll know he didn't. Elizabeth Bennet is also back, not only is she still the combination of smart and sexy, she and her sister also now have martial arts training. WHAT THE FUCK. All in all it's actually pretty good, you can tell people you actually read "Pride and Prejudice" just omit the pieces of zombies and "far east training" and you're solid.

The Finale

I'm so close to finishing the end of the semester I can taste it! Though it's been a bitch this week since my fucking micro professor gave us a Lecture test on Monday then a Lab Final on Wednesday. But finals too are gonna be hellish since I have two papers due and I have final tests on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. As a result of that this is how I feel, as presented by Edouardo Manet.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

White Sandwich Revisited

I'm sorry Don, but I'm going to have to refute you're scoring in these white sandwiches. Like any other sandwich cookie? I think not, subtle flavors and texture never really worked well on your palate, as we have seen you eat breakfast at Denny's. Lets start with the cookie itself, it is not a wafer, but more of a biscotti. A light buttery flavor is achieved in these outer lying shells while providing a delicate and resistant texture. The cream was not of any ordinary sandwich cookie filling, the sugar content was not as high as in an Oreo, but the texture was not crumbly like a wafer cookie. It was very smooth. You're 5/10 is an embarrassment, this deserves at least a 7. Thats right, these White Sandwich cookies were none to pleased with the score you gave them.

People I Want to Hangout With #2: Jane Yamamoto

Jane Yamamoto is the entertainment/field reporter for Fox 11 news and shes probably the best thing to come out of there in a while. You can keep your Amy Murphys and Liz Habibs, because she's way hotter than them...and especially Christine Devine. They should just take out everyone and have her do all the news, especially Carlos Amezcua, he could be replaced with Bob Decastro because I think he's Filipino. And if at any time Jane Yamamoto did some Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby I think I might die from some kind of sensory overload.

The Music of Adrian Zann

Chapter 1
Thursday night I was hailed by Omar to play billiards. We attempted to assemble a team, but the rest were preoccupied. Omar says to me, "We should pick up a six-pack or go buy a bottle before we go because drinks are fucking expensive there." "Agreed" I reply, "I'll pay for the bottle and you pay for table." We nod in unison. So we pick up a bottle of whiskey at Ralphs and head to the hall. For the next hour or so we sit in his van talking of our triumphs and tribulations all the while we finish the bottle. I wont say much about the pool played that night, but I'll say Omar won, and I was hitting the cue ball very softly. On our way home, the winner drops me off with a prompt, "Get out." And I do, I laid my head down to rest, and went to sleep.

Chapter 2
I awoke a few hours later, stumbling to the restroom, and as I began to pee something occurred to me, I had to burp. This was the beginning of my downfall. To my horror no gas passed my lips, but a slurry of chicken sandwich, S7C, and what must have been pure evil. "It just won't stop!" I thought, my mind racing as I expelled the contents of my stomach to only now produce a sickly yellow bile. After a few shocks I'm able to control the heaving, in a stupor I make my way to the kitchen for water to ease my shaking hands and to wash the filthy taste from my mouth. My room wasn't a safe place at the moment, so I take refuge in the restroom. The cool water sends refreshing chills as I drink and all seems to have passed. Staring, staring into the white walls I breath a sigh of relief, but that is short as the fire I had breathed that night turned into ice. "This shall not be my master!" screamed in my head, "As for tomorrow will be a busy day."

Chapter 3
I awoke from this ordeal, weakened, but alive. I was already late for 8am class since it was pass 9:30, I had to forgo my morning shower and head straight to school. As luck would have it I made it there by 10am when our 30min break occurs, so I had missed majority of class that day. During lecture is when I felt the full effects of what my body had become that night. Pain shot from my neck and chest, and the fatigue had settled well into its host. It was not only evident to my self, but to those around me. I could see my peer sniff the air about her, knowing what she had sensed I told her, "Forgive the smell of liquor, vomit and pool hall; The night had been hard." It was dismissed, and I felt myself begin to slip once again. The hours dragged on as my body decayed. Nothing else was said, only the passers by had seen what had become of me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

People I Want to Hangout With #1: Starro

Starro hails from some distant planet where he goes around to other planets, replicates a bunch, then attaches himself to your face to mind control you and all of your buddies. What makes him so appealing is that hes adorable, look at him, I bet he's warm and squishy. Also he's always down to give you a hug, mostly to the face though. If we did hangout we would probably spend the day throwing Starro babies at people and harassing the Justice League, then at night we'd probably drink at Michael's house. Misconceptions of Starro's powers is that he is telepathic and can replicate super fast, but he can't use moves like Thunder Bolt, Ice Beam, Recover, and Confuse Ray. That's a whole different Star-thing.